Care homes engaged with Enhanced Health in Care Homes framework work in Torbay and South Devon

Torbay and South Devon care home staff have been instrumental to the ongoing success of work around the Enhanced Health in Care Home framework implementation, since the local launch in January 2020.

All of our local homes engaged with the framework have been incredible, but we would particularly like to highlight the work that Robin Sutton, Sam Ebden, Clare Thomas and Clarissa Batista have done to support everyone, develop a shared understanding and client focused goals. They have served as a voice for care homes in our partnership working, and their commitment has improved lives and supported the people entrusted to care.

Image: Left to right, Sam Ebden, Clarissa Bautista, Robin Sutton and Clare Thomas

One great example has been the development of the red bag schemes, which has been instrumental in ensuring appropriate sharing of information required for the safe care of residents attending hospital. This, along with many other initiatives and support activities, has shown the benefits of co-development and engagement both with and from care homes.

Other initiatives that wouldn’t have been possible without our care homes have included a total review of care home service protocols, sitting on interview panels and reviewing role descriptions for new members of EHCH-funded staff, developing a dedicated care provider page for provider staff accessing NHS training resources and hosting, inputting and  even participating in multidisciplinary proof of concept and value for virtual health assessment opportunities.  They and other care home staff have shone a spotlight on the issues that homes face and how we can all work together to improve the lives of the people we all care for.